Keeping it simple

I'm sitting here wondering whether to write about how dull today was, or list everything I did, or ramble. I want to look back and know what was going on and not worry too much about what other people might think.

I never started blipfoto to impress/interest/entertain anyone, or to take good photos - as my first ever entry will affirm, here: Sunday 21st August 2011 but you can't help becoming aware that people are occasionally looking and reading, and I can't help being aware that this isn't just a diary or a journal. To some people that use blipfoto it is all about the photo. To me it is about keeping going, recording, and a link between my life and the visual world. The days where the photos are appalling record the days where life got in the way or photography simply didn't feature highly in my activities. The days when I don't write much record the days when I am tired or uninspired or simply cannot put what is on my mind in a public place.

I'm not aiming for a great shot each and every day because for me some of my days would be misrepresented by a good photo. Life is imperfect. I am imperfect. And anyway I'm not a photographer. I'm a learner.

I needed exercise today. I always need exercise but today I didn't feel drained and it didn't hurt, so I walked and didn't bother about stopping. Just before we left the beach though I crouched down and took this shot.

I managed to do some yoga exercises this morning. It's the first successful bit of yoga I've managed since I put my back out in September.
And I played the flute. I made a soup. I did some washing. I went for a walk. I did some online Christmas shopping. I made a curry.
Gemma's not here again tonight. Joel's had an after-school science paper. Tess has had a swimming lesson. The day went again.
My days do that. They just go. But it was very nice not to have any physical niggles today. I felt myself starting to worry about something while we were walking and I managed to breathe it away.

I haven't had a call about my therapy yet - I've only had the 2 phone assessments, and I'm starting to wonder whether it's going to be worth all the stress and worry I've put myself through.

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