Seven (Day 1321)

After the morning woofer wander, I made my way into town to make a start on another bathroom re-fit. There has been a bit of a leak going on around the bath for a while, so the bath needs to come out to get things sorted.
Back at home later, I spent a bit more time sloshing some paint around.
Today is my little pup's seventh birthday so I thought I would attempt to get a shot of her. As usual she made it more difficult than it needed to be. She can be a total pain in the bum at times. Being a wolfdog means she is generally fairly highly strung and can be difficult to deal with. At other times she can be incredibly sweet and gentle.
Sigyn came to me at a time when I was struggling with a lot of things, and she helped me through some fairly dark times. No matter what was going on, I still had to look after her. I bought my camera so that I could take pictures of her, finding blip soon after. Most of the landscapes I post on blip are taken when I am out with her and her best buddy Talisker. 
I had wanted to take a picture of her holding the toy goose my beautiful wife gave her a couple of days ago, but she dropped it on the floor and stuck her tongue out as I took the shot. Typical.
I still love her to bits (even though she has the coldest nose in the world).

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