
By Hillyblips

Bushy Tail

He never saw me coming!

Obviously engrossed in what he was doing this grey squirrel stopped for a second on the willow tree being totally unaware I was in the vicinity. Flattened on the floor, I just couldn't resist a shot thinking it would make an opportune blip!

A great rarity round here but when seen, the squirrels are nearly always round the Mirabelle Plum tree which has yellow cherry tomato sized fruits and I keep finding little stashes of nuts in strange places. He was probably checking his hoard with the cold weather. Quickly disappearing out of sight he scampered off.

Our neighbours next door a few years ago had 'hoards' (their words not mine!) nesting in their garage roof space. Being completely overrun they managed to deter with those sonic plugin gadgets. We always found it strange we never saw hide nor hair of them!

I hadn't realised squirrels live only for 6 years but most urban squirrels don't even reach their 1st birthday because of the roads. Apparently their rural counterparts die usually because of food shortages.

Just love this bushy tail and little ears for cuteness!

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