
A snowy day in Vienna, began at the Hofburg,  to visit the Sisi Museum (which contains rather more information about the Empress Elisabeth (1817-1880) than some may think is strictly necessary - eg that one of her facial cosmetic tricks was to encase raw veal in a leather mask overnight) and the Imperial apartments. My favourite fact about the apartments was that Imperial banquets typically involved some 9 to 13 courses and never lasted more than 45 minutes. I assume that Alka Seltzer was a Viennese company.

Then a long walk to one of my favourite buildings - the Hundertwasserhaus - and later to the museum of the architect's works. 

Further trudging through the snow, along streets whose colour seemed to have been muted by the snow, to the spectacular Belvedere Park, where crowds of people were enjoying the wintry scene. The Schloss Belvedere was built in the 18th century as a summer palace for the Habsburgs.

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