Happiness is...
I’m trying to cut down a bit on bread. It is hard going here in the land of bread... Today I decided to let go a bit. CheeseLady provided two cheeses at my normal random discount price, the local pig folk provided some fabulously spicy local chorizo, and the second-best-bread-shop in France gladly handed over a perfect baguette.
Let’s call that lunch. A glass of red wine would have been perfect, but I was still maxed out on painkillers and with a list of work to get through, so that luxury will have to wait.
Meanwhile, I found myself unable to decide what I wanted to happen at Westminster (aside obviously from the usual dream that they all come to their senses and spot that the best deal for Britain is The One We Have Already....) There was some unseemly shouting at Radio 4 this morning when some Tory wag (they all sound the same to me - is that wrong?) primly pointed out that people need to remember there’s more to the Tories than Brexit. If only they would realise there’s more to Brexit than Tory infighting we might get somewhere...
After that I felt it best to ignore the news and concentrate on fixing the world one contract at a time. Lovely chat with a new client today, who has a gazillion times more work for me than he initially claimed. All good, right? Equally lovely chat with a very nice man who explained to me very slowly (and I’m sure painfully for him) how back-ups work (work related). And then, to my horror, I realised my Time Machine drive had unmounted itself (dismounted? demounted?) and hadn’t backed up since October. All good now. Scary times.
Oh, and my Mam apologised for voting for Brexit. But only because I said we’re going to live in Panama, so I don’t think that counts.
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