Sunshine (substitute)
If I crank the fire up high and take my vitamin D, that’s the same as being out in the sunshine, yeah?
Once the fog had burned off the sun did come out today, and I caught glimpses of it as I shuttled between desk and kettle. Perishing cold, a fact brought into sharp relief when CarbBoy’s car-sickness meant the journey home from basketball passed with the windows open and the aircon on full.
Long chat with my ‘boss’ / main client - mainly about Brexit and our shared incredulity about how shambolic it all is. And that was before the PM was locked in a car and someone spotted the flaw with section 13. (I spotted it, but that’s my job so I take no credit.)
Last night was mostly spent awake wondering why the ibuprofen wasn’t working, and researching what was causing the excruciating pain in my hip. Three am saw a possible diagnosis and some gentle stretching, though as bedtime approaches, the pain is making an unwelcome return. To add to my woes, I have clearly eaten something that is violently objecting to the experience, but tenaciously refusing to avail itself of any of the logical exits.
It may be a long night.
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