december first

Had a brilliant day at Reine and Guillaume's.

Lunch went like this:

Apéritif of pastis and fresh olives (picked from their own tree a couple of weeks ago!)

First course: green salad, thinly sliced dried magret de canard and home-made pork pâté.

Main course: daube with fresh tagliatelle.

Cheese: brie de Meaux and catcha which is basically a home-made cheese fabricated from all the skins and leftovers of your scabby bits of cheese in the fridge, mixed with eau de vie, garlic and olive oil. This rank mixture is then left to ferment for a fortnight before you put it in your gob. I couldn't bring myself to do it, but serious admiration for my sister who washed it down with a mouthful of red wine :)

Dessert: my pear tarte tatin and poppy seed tart.

Wine: Cotes du Rhone Villages...and I finshed off with a wee glass of Verveine (a lemon verbena liqueur).

After digesting for an hour or two, we all headed to SuperU to put our order in for the Foire du Porc. We have ordered 1 whole pig, 2 extra bellies, 12kilos of throat and 12 of liver...picking it up next Friday and butchering it all on Saturday at Reine and Guillaume's. Let the porkfest commence! :)

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