Jingle Balls

I was awake again at 6am this morning, but so was Charlotte and we had a nice chat.  I was due at Chris' for my hair cut at 10am, so left home in plenty of time, but unfortunately there’d been accident on the road out of Rottingdean, which I later heard a motorcyclist had been killed.  They were turning everyone around and there was no other way out of Rottingdean than to go back to the coast road, in a very long queue of cars.  I sent Chris a text to let him know, and he in turn sent a text to his next client to ask her to come slightly later.  I finally arrived half an hour late, but it was fine and Chris was on top form today and very comical, so it was a fun hour whilst having my hair cut.  

I then drove to Lewes, where I met Vanessa for lunch at Bill's and we caught up on each other's news - hers was far more exciting than mine!  I think I've mentioned before that V used to be a Moulin Rouge dancer back in the 1980's, and now she's a gym instructor, teaching pilates etc.  Anyway she's been asked to go and be a gym instructor on a cruise ship for 5 weeks starting on January 5th, so she negotiated a good deal and she's going!   She'll fly to Italy where she'll join the boat, and they set sail via the South of France, Spain and Portugal, before heading onto the Caribbean and Mexico, then along the Panama Canal to Los Angeles and finally San Francisco where she'll leave the ship and fly home. She only has to do two gym classes per day while they're at sea.  When they're docked she has her own time to go sight seeing, so she's really happy as she'll get to visit countries that she's never been to and which are on her to visit' list. I'm really excited for her, what a fantastic start to the new year!

After lunch I headed home and as Alan was already awake, I called him and we chatted while I drove (hands free of course).  This time tomorrow, he'll be home as he's on the overnight flight :-)  

I wrapped a few Christmas presents and got ready to go out to the Brighton Skies Christmas 'Do' which was held at The Bees Mouth in Hove.  It was a fantastic venue, that sold a selection of Belgian beers, and we were given our own private room as the guy that runs the bar is also a member of Brighton Skies - tt was a great night, with a lovely group of like minded people.

I caught the bus into town so that I could have a drink, albeit I only had one Belgian beer and then I went onto the lime and soda, I really am a lightweight now, I don't know what's happened to me!  Anyway, back to the bus journey - I got off at the Old Steine and walked up North Street so I could take photos of the Christmas lights.  This bauble was my favourite, particularly with the reflections on the wet floor.

Anyway, it's late and I have to be that the hospital for 8am tomorrow, for the injection in the my shoulder, so I'll say goodnight.

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