Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Why not?

I lost control of my day today. Next Monday will be different. I will go to a cheap hotel, rent a boxed set on the cable tv, take a bottle of whisky and a box of chocolates and not move all day. Except maybe to order a takeaway vegan pizza and a taxi to take me home.

Okay maybe not. But I need to stop succumbing to the lure of doing and use my Mondays (mostly) just for being.

So I walked up to the village in the afternoon and went to buy some cat biscuits and the woman behind the counter turned to the empty space to her left and said "would you serve this customer please Doreen”; at which point Doreen shot up like a jack in the box out of nowhere and went "HI!" and then said "did I scare you?" to which I said "yes". And they both looked pleased.

It is a very quiet shop.

When I got home I realised I had left my phone on their counter so had to walk back and get it, by which time it was raining so I bought some vegetables to go with the vegan chicken dumplings I was planning to make. Cause and effect.

Then a neighbour called to tell me about funeral arrangements and I like it when people drop in unexpectedly so we yakked for twenty minutes and agreed we would get drunk before going to the charity concert at the local flats for older people (in aid of the local hospice) later in the month. Then The Dizzle came home and we talked for a while and the whole house was still a mess where I had been moving furniture ready for decorating and I had trashed the kitchen and then Strider came home and we talked and he had to grab Monty before he peed on the Christmast tree.

Oh and I took a table up to our room today which was heavy, old and awkward (takes one to know one) and made me tired -

You get my point. I lost control of the day. None of which explains the green bowler hat; but like Doreen, I like to play my little games ...

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