Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Arthur and Advent.

After a lovely birthday celebration yesterday, and very thankful Maria came home, Arthur and me are having a quiet time.
He is purring contentedly which is so lovely.
It is now the first day of Advent if you follow the calendar, and then the traditional church has the first Sunday of Advent, when we prepare for the birth of the Lord Jesus. If we keep our spiritual heart open and our sense of being a child of God, there is a wonderful simplicity and innocence about that perspective that is best treasured within in peace. The angels mentioned in the Bible, appeared to the simple shepherds and gave them directions where to find baby Jesus. In a similar way, we are capable of finding our individual calling and God connection if we make time to be quiet inwardly and really wait for the Great Spirit to prompt us and inspire us. It costs nothing but requires the gift of time and it helps to be thankful for the beauty of truths God provides.

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