Teign Lights

Lady Marian had to go into Teignmouth this morning so we both went in before doing the weekly shop. I took a very bold contre-jour of the little lighthouse at the end of the prom. It looks like a toytown lighthouse but I believe it has a navigational purpose. I faffed and fiddled with it but it was hard to retrieve anything from the strong light behind the tower. I've added it as an extra just because it took such a lot of fiddling that I couldn't bear to not upload it!

The weekly shop was rather strange. I don't know if it's the same at you supermarket, I don't suppose it is, but it seems to me that as the shop fills up with chocolates and mince pies the normal stuff like food is failing to get on the shelves! Ho hum!

The one I've decided to blip is a shot I took along the prom. It looked like a shower was coming in and the sky got very dark. The lamps were shining out against the cloud and it has a look I like.

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