First Christmas .....

..... card!!
Which arrived 3 days ago, the sender was our Am Dram producer in the 70's . I'm sure he must be at least 90+years of age now. This made me realise I needed to start writing mine so just a start this a.m. but I also packed 2 parcels and took them to the P.O. for posting , I just hope they get delivered ! As yesterday I spent an hour on the phone cos' a large cheque seemed to have been lost in the post . Since it was posted on 10th November it really was urgent to get it sorted
The weather is doing its worst at the moment strong winds, rain and decidedly chilly. Recycling bins have been blown over with all the contents spilt over the road and unfortunately have blown to my corner ( as per!!) . Normally I would pick this up but with the best will in the world I can't lm hardly walking these past few days . But if they're still there tomorrow I will have to struggle and clear them.
Hope you all survive the winds etc !

Grateful .... to be indoors as I'm so unsteady in the wind

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