
Mum and Dad left early this morning, much to our dismay, but think they were looking forward to a little bit of piece and quiet! Thank you for a lovely visit, x

Olivia's teacher had to speak to me as it seems Olivia has been testing the boundaries at school recently. She actually cut a hole in her dress during her art lesson and the picture above is an apology note that her teacher made her do for me just before the end of school. Olivia couldn't offer an explanation and seemed a little embarrassed by what she had done, especially when some of the other kids pointed the hole out to me (which couldn't be missed as it was huge and right in the centre of her dress!).

Although Dexter is doing well at the creche he still sometimes cries when we drop him off in the morning and apparently he took a long time to settle this morning. It's probably because I've been dropping him off and collecting him all week as hubby has been away with work since Monday morning. I'm too soft and can't resist giving him one last cuddle before I do the mad rush to work, which is why hubby usually has the job of drop off!

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