The Pursuit of ....

By Amroi


Today I was privileged enough to be involved in an incredible event for charity, called the Cherry Tree Trot. It is organised by the American Women's Association to help raise funds for a number of charitable organisations. The day consisted of a number of events which people could register to participate in, catering for various degrees of running capability, and for those less adventurous a walkathon. DesertCamel had volunteered me to assist her in her official photographer duties. In this assistant role; I got to dodge around snap happy parents and loved ones, as well as get in the way of a few professional photographers from the local media (oops, sorry!). I took hundreds of photos, and this is by no means the best; but it was the most touching. One of the events was a 2km race for the beneficiaries of the charities to compete in. They had volunteers aiding them by pushing wheelchairs, walking with them, and generally cheering them on to the finish line. Shortly before the finish, and just in front in me; this boy dropped down into this victory pose. It was such a natural and unexpected expression of his sheer joy and excitement at having participated and been in the limelight for that moment. It makes you think....

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