My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Pin cushion

Because of the issues Owen's been having with his breathing and because he was going into surgery anyway Mr Wilkinson suggested getting the ENT team to have a look at his airway at the same time.

We took him down to theatre at 4 o'clock.
First back was the ENT consultant. They had found a degree of tracheomalacia but not at the original fistula site. So they want to do a CT scan to try and work out what's causing it.
Then the GI team. His stricture had definitely tightened but dilatation #2 had been easier and -hopefully- more successful than dilatation #1. It's now a juggling act to time the next one.

With all the cannulas he's been having recently he's getting quite tricky to get new ones in. For the transfer they used his head and when he came back from surgery they'd had to use his neck! By the looks of it they'd tried nearly everywhere else.

Unfortunately with the tracheomalacia we have to stay in over the weekend for observation. We'll know more when we have the results of the CT and can start to make a plan going forward.

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