My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu


Overnight Owen started to really struggle with his feeds and choking again to the point where he was starting to go limp. So followed an early morning trip to Telford's Children's Assessment Unit where he had a choking fit that the medical staff got to see. Once he settled we went round to the ward into the treatment room to have -yet another- cannula. In there he had another choking episode and they actually grasped how serious it was. At one point we had nurses, advanced nurse practitioners, paediatricians, registrars, anaesthetists and neonatal consultants all in the room.

As he settled down they came to the decision that they didn't need to intervene surgically. They checked his blood gases -pretty rubbish- and got a chest x-ray done -with the portable machine in the picture- They got him on fluids -with a cannula in his head- and spoke to his surgical team in Manchester.
Unsurprisingly they wanted him back up in Manchester.

So at about 3 o'clock he was packed into a transport pod and blue-lighted up to Manchester A&E along with Louisa, doctor, nurse and 2 paramedics. Then straight into A&E resus where I found him, stable but very hungry, when I arrived.
The first question I was asked? "Would you like a brew?"

Just to reinforce the 'it never rains but it pours' cliché, as we pulled off the motorway on the way to Telford the car started revving really high when it was idling. Just what we needed. So I ended up spending half my day juggling being there for Owen and trying to get the car fixed...still waiting for parts.

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