Red Shoes

We got much better seats at Miss E's second performance today. The shoes and swooshy skirt were much more in evidence!!
What a busy day - the play, a trip to Ikea for meatballs (nothing else purchased which is a triumph!!), a trip to Bicester for a final play with Mrs K's three boys, then the Christmas light switch on and watching my lovely niece sing with her school choir.
I have pretty much been in denial about Mrs K moving to Australia.
On Monday!
But today, watching Miss E give Mr C a hug goodbye, it suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks. They've known each other since she was two weeks old; grown up seeing each other most days and sharing so many happy times.
I've got one last coffee with Mrs K tomorrow but watching the kids say goodbye tonight and saying goodbye to them was heartbreaking.
No more plans for next week; no more feeling as at home in each other's houses as we do in our own; no more outings; no more coffees....
All those hundreds of days together taken for granted!
Nothing but laughs, support and friendship.
I'll miss you Mrs K xx

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