The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Walking in daylight

...on a school day!! Wowzers!

I had a little lie in - got up at 5am! - walked the dogs, ate and headed to the gym for a one-hour aerobic session. Managed to run, row, cross-train, spin and swim for the hour, it was fab! Then I headed to a local Primary School to practice my inspection skills for Ofsted. I've never seen a Foundation class, so judging the progress of five year olds learning phonics for twenty five minutes felt impossible! I observed four lessons, completed work scrutiny, saw an assembly and did a pupil focus group. It was really enjoyable but a bit mind blowing!

Home in the daylight to hoover (!), tidy up, walk the pooches in the daylight and get some work done. I spoke to Grandad too, he is 94 today! Happy Birthday to him!! Now I'm going to have an early tea as I've got lots of work to do tonight...and then I'm aiming for an early bed, 8pm is on the cards!

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