The rest of forever...

By DrMac


Happy Birthday Grandad!
The ripe old age of 94 and he still has fewer wrinkles than I do!

A hectic day at work, not even time to squeeze in a quick wee.

The journey to see Grandad took three hours so I arrived at half seven and scoffed Haddock Chowder whilst we sat at the dinner table and talked about the economy, how our country is led by muppets and decided that people are just too moany and need to toughen up and blinkin well get on with it. He opened his presents and commended me on my evident reduction in sellotape usage...he hates the stuff as much as you hate cling film!

Having put the world to rights we settled in front of the TV to enjoy Man City vs Arsenal, providing excellent running commentary throughout the first seventy minutes. Quality time. We agree that they fiddle about too much with the ball and hog it...drama queens!

There were two defining moments. Just before I left, and Grandad settled to bed, he laid the breakfast table. Just like I do each day. Though to be fair his is much more extensive! Plate, bowl, cutlery, marmalade, toast rack, poaching pan filled with water, teabag in the pot...he says it helps him to sleep better knowing he is organised for the morning - I totally get that concept!! Though he did admit he really doesnt have much to be organised for, given that he does bugger all each day!!!

I showed him my doctorate thesis, which we decided must be good 'cos it is so bloody heavy. Worth it's weight in ink and paper! And then, as I packed the car, I spotted his hats and walking sticks hanging in the hallway. Memories of my childhood. Deerstalker hat, walks in the woods, Skip bombing through the bushes and Nan feeding me Foxes Glaciar Mints. Happy memories. God, I do love him so very much.

So, Happy Birthday Grandad...I'm lifting a glass to raise a toast to you...and to many more happy times to come. xxx

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