
By PixelChristi

Mo'Po' 4 ( th and final )

I know the end is tomorrow, but I'm busy then, so here's my final ( thankfully ) MoPo for 2012. It started well, but I made a wrong move getting rid of the chin strip last week I think. It's looking like a balding, furry caterpillar now.

I don't think I can really top last week's shot ( well not with my face anyway ) so I've just decided to go high key to emphasise the mo' and erase as much of the rest of me as I possibly can.

Bring on the beard, I need a warm chin.

A heartfelt thanks to all who donated, especially the Big Dog who pretty much doubled my tally in one donation. You have made it worthwhile. The cause is such an important one, and one that I still feel men in particular shy away from.

There's still time to donate, if you haven't already folks - if you can at all afford it, donate what little you feel you can to the Movember cause and help fight prostate cancer. You can do it here: My Mo' Space...

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