
By PixelChristi

Mo'Po' 3

UPDATE: this image, combined with some brass neck twittering netted me a £50 donation from Damian "big dog" MacGillicuddy. Just goes to show it pays to stick yer neck out. \o/

Got around to doing this today. Slightly late but better than never, eh?

I wanted to do something different with this self portrait exercise. I had the barmy idea of just holding the lights in my hands and seeing what came of it earlier on this week.

It actually turned out to be a really interesting exercise in lighting. I could alter the lighting setup as quickly as I could wave my hands ( bar going back to the camera, checking focus and pressing the button again). So I could really swiftly go through a series of traditional and not so traditional poses and light placements.

Looking through the images is an education in itself - although they will forever remain for my eyes only, as I don't like how old I'm starting to look, especially in some of the more traditional lighting arrangements. In that sense I can't wait to get my beard back. Despite it being increasingly grey.

So. Movember Portait 3. One more to go.

The charity blurb:

I'd just like to thank people again for donating. If you can at all afford it, donate what little you feel you can to the Movember cause and help fight prostate cancer. You can do it here: My Mo' Space...

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