The final act

And just like that, it’s done. Nutcracker is over. She has had the most amazing week. She hasn’t stopped smiling once this week. She hasn’t stopped dancing either. She’s worked so hard. She’s loved it.

Tonight we had quite a lot of friends going to watch her. And she absolutely brought her A-Game. She has a moment where she stomps across the stage, hands on hips with a big scowl at Clara’s brother, stamps her foot. She was particularly brilliant at it tonight and was delighted she got a good laugh. She had so much stage presence and obvious joy when she danced, it was so delightful to see. Again!

They have all been so happy and kind to each other, they’ve all worked so hard, they’ve all been so well behaved. They’ve all been absolutely bloody brilliant on stage. I’m so proud of her, of them all. And I’m so grateful that she’s in a school where experiences like this are positive, and where she’s given the opportunities to be the best she can.

She hasn’t stopped beaming today. Until she got home and it began to sink in that it was really finished.

Several extras today. I locked my phone and allowed her to take it backstage as everyone else had photos.....

Soooo proud of this little monkey.

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