
Flora finally arrived today from Cyprus. She's very thin and covered in sores from her life on the streets and the hardship of being in a dog pound, but she is the sweetest, cuddliest little thing and we love her so much already. It's taken several months to get her well enough to fly so has felt like she would never get here!

Day has been spent settling her in, and our other new arrival JD. Eva had her first hack out to Swithland Woods. JD behaved impeccably. Mike popped over to help with the fencing to make a paddock next to lime. JD was pretty calm at turnout but lime made a big fuss and kept charging round the field, bucking and farting. We were a little worried as Flora was crying on the webcam but she settled after about 10 minutes. She was separated from the other two at that point so hopefully now she is in with the other two that won't happen anymore.

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