Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

80 years in Egypt

The centre is usually packed and chaotic as it's a busy young learners' teaching day.  Parents bring in their kids for classes and because of the long distances they often have to travel to get here, stay while their children are in class.  The reception is usually packed with the parents and toddlers who are with them, as is Beanos cafe in the courtyard.  Today though, because there was a big reception planned for this evening (you can just see the stage on the right), the reception had been stripped of chairs, bunting had been hung, and even the old heavy furniture in Beano's had been replaced with white sofas and armchairs, the kind you'd see in Ikea!  Tomorrow it will be porridge and water again.  

I only popped in for an hour to make sure everything is ready for tomorrow in the rooms we'll be using.  

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