'Meet and Greet'

For those of you who follow our Blips regularly; you will know that, my very lovely owner, Ann's, latest job is a 'Meet & Greeter'. This involves her going to short term lets (mainly Airbnb properties), doing a few checks to make sure things like the heating and the wifi are working and meeting & greeting the visitors. She's been doing this job for just over three weeks and what a fabulous job it is for our lifestyle.

Today she had one 'meet & greet' to do at Portobello at 11.30am. Now for those of you who know Edinburgh, you will know that Portobello is at the other side of town to where we live. But actually it only takes about 20 mins to get there and I go there a lot for my walks. So this morning Ann said, 'Molly, we will go to Porty Beach and you can have a good run about and then you can wait in the car while I do my meet & greet.'

So that is what we did. 

But just before we left we were asked if we could do another job afterwards................. pick up a couple of duvets from Sainsburys collection point and deliver them to another property? Mmmmmmm....................... the trouble with everything being communicated via 'WhatsApp' from either 'Kuala Lumpa or London' …..............is that whoever is doing the organising is doing the organising via postcode locations. Ann said she wouldn't have time to do her check in at Porty at 11.30am and then get to Sainsbury's by 12, but she said she could do it en-route to Porty beforehand!

Techie person in London or Kuala Lumpa or wherever, then had to check the opening hours of Sainsbury's before getting back to Ann. Mmmmmmm.......... If they'd just asked Ann she could have told them that info. We do actually live here. Duh!!!!

Anyway between 9am – 12am, we picked up a duvet and delivered it to a property, Ann did a 'meet & greet' and I had more than an hours play on Porty Beach. Yay!  ...........And got lots of dosh for her trouble. Yay!

Home by 12 noon for lunch and then at 1pm, Ann said, 'Molly, you need to have snooze time. I'm off to get my hair cut, then I'm going for a swim. …........Except just as Ann was leaving the hairdressers actually it was a friends granddaughter who cut her hair a last minute meet & greet came in. She accepted it, and got lots of dosh for her trouble went off to do it, and then went for a swim. …...........And was still home at 5pm to take me for a boring walk around the streets on my lead.

As we say.......................... it's probably not the job for everyone; but it certainly fits in with our lifestyle.


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