
The light first thing was quite startling, or so it seemed as I looked out from the back bedroom upstairs. And there was Venus so bright through the neighbour's tree (it might be there in large). And it was only when I got on the bus and looked at the whole lightening sky that I found that Saturn and Mercury were also there in the morning light. And somehow that got me. I thought on the birth of Christ - was there really a star? Some have claimed there was an astronomical event, an alignment of the planets at that time.
And when I left work, again, the light was wonderful, and the huge moon was rising to the east and there was Jupiter, so close. It all seemed so wonderful and so stupidly significant. Aha, but of what?
Predictions. A dangerous art. Earlier I saw the Hearts line up and wrote on FB, I know I've got a bad memory but that must be the poorest Hearts lineup I've ever seen. Of course , imagine my mixed feelings if we'd actually given them a game. Luckily, we were totally humped! Night all.

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