
Today I spent the morning working from home, trying to get a sermon finished for Sunday. I had a bit of a knock to my confidence after the last time I spoke so I feel a bit nervous about this one. I guess you're supposed to get straight back on the horse or whatever.

This evening the Choir sang at the annual light switch-on in town. Apart from the fact that we were battling with another band for the first couple of songs, I think we did ok. It's always really hard to tell from the midst of the choir. I had to dash straight back home afterwards and was sad to be leaving town just as things were ramping up. The giant reindeer was in pride of place and the Christmas tunes were blasting out.

Tonight was our first Cartwright Runners run! In an aim to motivate us all and make sure that we don't approach Christmas looking like puddings, I decided it was a good way to get motivated. I'm not used to running with other people and it was nice to hear the sound of lots of feet pounding around me.

SS had made the most wholesome looking bowl of loveliness post-run. What a hero.

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