Thinking Of Paradice

PD's paw is really giving him jip at the moment so he is not meant to walk on hard ground or for long distances.
So I made sure we only went round two of the four sections of playing fields this morning.
He wasn't best pleased but it was for his own good.

The leaves blowing in the wind reminded me of somebody directing a plane into its parking spot.
However the red and yellow ones made me think of flames and the poor people of Paradise in California.

The other shots were a bit minimalist with this one looking like a wee bear or something climbing a pole.

I nipped out to the garage this afternoon to do something about one of my acorn boxes - the lid (after a few months!) had shrunk a fraction of a millimetre so it wouldn't stay on. How I fixed it was to enlarge the 'gap and glue a strip of leather to the tenon. I may blip it another day to illustrate what I am talking about.

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