A Bit Of Fun

I did something this morning that I hadn't done in a long, long time.
I went for a soak in the bath (to try and ease my aching back).
I remembered why I hadn't done it in such a long time.
At 6'4" and touching 17st baths are too short and not deep enough …. and when you wake up you are lying in cold water and needing a shower to warm up. Not that I fell asleep this morning.

The bath we had when SWMBO and I got married was an enormous cast iron, roll top beast. Two could fit in and lie down with the water coming up to nose level with the heat never changing. Mind you, you had to make sure that the water was at boiling point and running before you even thought of turning on the cold; if so much as a handful of cold water hit the bottom of the bath first then you ended up with a freezing bum the entire time that you were boiling the rest of your body.

I managed to get a quick shot or two of rainbow  before we nipped up to the garden centre to get some discounted advent calendars. 
When we arrived I saw the dog in the truck …. but he wooden speak to us.

The monsters were well behaved this afternoon and The Cygnet wolfed down his pasta and meatballs (his choice) and syrup sponge and custard whilst making happy noises. 

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