Millennium Cloud Art

Walkers today and we staggered up the local Millennium trail which goes to Glendhu Bay if you stagger all the way but we stopped for lunch after a couple of hours so we didn't...Go to Glendhu...Right...
The Boss following on his fun yesterday spotted another sky that he liked so no apologies (He hardly ever apologises for anything with me.. You never heard him saying OH Sorry Tuss I haven't fed you on time...) Errr where was I ... ah well anyway here's another bit of arty stuff. The extra is part of the track we were staggering on. Its a lovely track and I get off lead quite a bit to get through "dog doors"  around cattle stops that local folk have manufactured by cutting holes in the netting fences. Thats fun.....He also carries me over a couple that haven't been dog modified yet and I do this sorta vertical take off thingie into his arm and get carried across... 
We really need a pic of that...I am really good at it....

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