Blurb book

I am disappointed our friends won’t be coming to stay, but am going ahead with the birthday meal for 4 local friends.

I had just started sorting out the complicated Nigella cake when Shona arrived bringing details for the WEA event to be held next week. Apparently I’m to be at the door meeting and greeting. I have found that when using a wheelchair I become invisible so that should be interesting!

After I cooked I got on with my Blurb book. This is Ted standing in the Hindu Kush, looking at the Karakorum on the left and the Himalaya on the right. The junction of the river is the Gilgit flowing into the Indus coming down from Skarfu. Driving south to this point we realised we had driven the entire Karakorum Highway, having in 1996 driven north from Islamabad then turning off here to drive east to Skardu en route for k2 base camp.

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