
Spent the morning shopping (not my favourite occupation but needs must sometimes), teh afternoon sewing and the evening on a trip to the Kelpies for a run.
A group of 9 of us mett for pizza and then went through to Falkirk for the 5km run which visited the Kelpies. I thought I wasn't going to get any pics as my camera wouldn't work at first (?the cold) and most of the ones I did get weren't very good but this one came out okay and the extra is a reasonable abstract. Everyone ran with headtorches and many people had fancy dress and lots of reflective clothing, quite a sight.
I tried to run with the group but it was hard to keep together as there were so many people but we regrouped at the Kelpies for some pics. There were 1250 people finished, I was about halfway so and without stops would have been much further up - but the time wasn't important.
It was a bit wet but not as wett and windy as it was back in Dundee.

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