Up the Creek

Up town to meet up with GC who was in fine form; we strolled on to some new eatery - Miller and Carter and had an enjoyable time lunching in their window. GC is delighted that we’re managing to spend money, warning us that in a few years, it’ll not be so easy. The boat may prove him wrong.
A call in at Madelvic House as there’s a large, well attended exhibition underway on the future of Granton Waterfront - a 're-engagement’ as previous plans became a bit de-railed in the 2008 crash. Thinking of their vision for Edinburgh2050 - I do wonder whether the Granton:Hub’s iron age dugout canoe will be finished by then?
Home for a brief fiddle with drain cocks at the rear of the engine, before bucketing rain stopped play.
And later a Netflix movie, the Land of Steady Habits - how young are the people who now star in midlife crisis dramas; it’s like watching movies about teenagers. 

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