From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Miguel, an opera singer with a dream.....

This morning I had the privilege to hear the amazing voice of Miguel Moncloa, an opera singer, performing on the high street. On a "feeling funny" sort of day/week, he made my heart soar. He has a big dream but "loves to entertain and take people somewhere special, even if it's just for a few moments during their busy day." I bought his CD. As I ironed this afternoon, I played it and was moved again. 

It's been a tough week for some of us here on blip, losing friends, relatives, neighbours, some after illness, others totally unexpectedly. Others have watched loved ones and friends going through tough treatment. Others experiencing times of anxiety for the future. This afternoon, as I ironed, the setting sun cast a shadow on the wall and on the praying hands card given to us 31 years ago when we first moved to WW. It says "God holds the future" and the verse from Jeremiah 29 vv 11. 

I remembered Gail, and all those whose blips have spoken of loss or illness or anxiety this week My extra is for us...

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