A time for everything

By turnx3

Autumn at Spring Grove

I had originally been planning to go swimming for my daily exercise, but I didn’t get out as early as I’d planned, and by the time I was getting ready to leave, I could see the sky was looking a little brighter and there was even a weak glimmer of sun from time to time. I was wanting to get down to see the autumn colour at Spring Grove one day this week, and looking at the forecast I could see tomorrow is supposed to be pretty windy, which will bring a lot more of the leaves down, so I decided to go this afternoon, and I was glad I did, as it was looking quite glorious, and I certainly wasn’t alone with my camera, though most people I saw were using their phones! Roger was doing his own thing today - attending a retirees lunch, with a speaker, which was apparently very interesting, and then he went for a bike ride. I took quite a number of photographs, and it was tough choosing one, so I have included a couple of extras

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