Amazing Sky

I went to the gym this morning to try the other step class which was very fast and difficult to follow, but the instructor said that she does 5 week sets and this was week 4.  Basically it builds up each week and gets harder, so she said to give it a go and if I decided it was too much, just to give her a wave and leave.  I stuck with it, but I couldn't master all the moves - they were stepping, doing the mambo, cha cha cha, up and over the step, around the step and so on.  It was a good work out though, and they're such a lovely bunch of ladies and quite a few came up to me at the end of the lesson to say that I did really well and said most new people to the class give it about 5 minutes and leave.  I'm not going to be able to go for the next couple of Saturdays, but I will give it another go.

This afternoon we went for a walk down to the beach and along the undercliff walk to Rottingdean where we sat on a bench in the sun, and on our way back we stopped off at Whitecliffs Cafe where I had my first glass of wine in over a month.  It was very nice and I savoured it while we sat and watched the sun setting over the sea. There was this amazing cloud trail that didn't seem to end so I nipped outside to take this shot and I timed it just right as very soon after the colours faded.  

Elif & Seyran came round for dinner tonight, it was a nice opportunity for them to have a night out as Elif's mum's staying with them so she could babysit Luca.  I made a lasagne, but instead of pasta I used butternut squash slices, thanks to Alan for slicing up the squash and served it with a spinach salad.  It was great to see them both, and we had a lovely night, but I'm late posting my blip again and it's time for bed!

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