Life In Wales

By KarenC

Autumn Colours

I was due to meet Vanessa at Bill's in Lewes for lunch, so I decided to go back to Sheffield park this morning to see if the colours were stronger than when I went a few weeks ago with Kate.  One advantage of being a National Trust member is that I can just nip in for an hour or so whenever I want.

A lot of trees have shed their leaves, so I think we saw it at it's best when we were last there, but it was still lovely and I took a different path than I have before and found another small lake - I guess the gardens are bigger than I thought!

I got to Lewes with enough time to do a food shop at Tesco's before meeting Vanessa - we had a nice lunch and a catch up and saw all the preparations/boarding up of shops etc., in readiness of tomorrow bonfires/firework displays..

The Lewes bonfire celebration is the biggest in the country and there are 6 bonfire societies that meet up to compete against one another with their firework displays and there's a big parade through the town with burning effigies.  We've never actually been as it's almost impossible to get there as the roads into Lewes are closed at lunchtime, and no trains will be stopping there.  Apparently it's got quite mad over the last few years with over 60,000 people attending, so this year they're trying to limit it which is understandable.  I'd like to go one year, but maybe we'll have to stop over in a hotel! I've added a link here if you want to read about it.

Anyway, tonight we're having a quiet night in, I've made a Beef Saag for dinner which is just about ready, so I'll got and dish it up.  Have a great start to your weekend!

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