Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky


Or it could be a lenticular cloud. They are not uncommon over the mountains. I spent the morning with a friend whose husband has gone away for three weeks of respite care as he has Alzheimers and she needs a break. She asked me to help her set up a new iPad but unfortunately she had not got a good record of all her passwords for email and Apple and therefore it took two hours to retrieve these by long winded means before I could get her iPad working. It was too wet to do any work outside on my return so I settled down to watch a DVD that a friend has lent me. As a Pied Noir he has a host of horror stories of the flight of French nationals from Algeria following independence and the perceived betrayal of these people by General de Gaulle. My knowledge of those events is quite sketchy so the DVD has been quite instructive.

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