
I had an idea, that came to me in a daydream, for another conceptual thing based on a 3x4 grid and it involved me, well I won't say because I might re-create it one day, but suffice to say that I did it, I took all the photos, I did all the editing and I made the composite image just now only to look at it and think, "Nah, that doesn't work, it actually looks kinda crap" so you're spared that one at least. Luckily there's always the post-school bike ride home to provide the odd photo opportunity.

I had to, I mean I really had to listen to one of my favourite records of the last X number of years before school and work this morning. It was probably the first of its kind that I heard and I seem to recall that we were in the car park at Asda or somewhere like that one midweek evening in December with John Peel on the radio, about to get out the car to go and do a big pre-Christmas shop. This came on and I was pretty gobsmacked, rooted in my seat, that shop would have to wait 'til this track finished. "Whaaaaaaatttt!!!! That's fantastic!"

"Currently all over the dial"

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