Silhouetted snapper (Day 1271)

It was a pleasant change to wake this morning and not hear the wind outside. I wandered up the hill with the woofers in sunshine and it was a good deal warmer than it has been over the last few days. 
Back at home, and despite the glorious weather, my beautiful wife got on with preparing the house for the arrival of the crew who are supposed to be starting our insulation tomorrow. By lunchtime we had made a considerable amount of progress and felt it was time for a bit of a break. The dogs were keen on the idea of a walk and we headed for Skaill where we headed north along the clifftops. The lack of wind and strong sunshine made for a warm walk which we thoroughly enjoyed. As HV perched on the edge of the cliff taking shots of the big breakers rolling in I couldn't resist s few shots of her silhouetted in the strong sunshine. Not a bad shot for the mobile phone camera.
Later, as HV headed off for work, I got on with the last few bits around the house. 

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