Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


It's a soft gentle rain that feels nice on your skin for a little, then it turns distinctly cold.

I stare out of the train window at the blackness, ghosts of myself and other travellers flicker in the window, most of them asleep again. I wasn't sure that if I turned and looked that their transparent reflections was what they really looked like!

Walking into the town, thinking of how good it felt to be out so early, I managed a big smile. For no particular reason, it felt good to be alive.

"Find joy where you can" with the world in the state that it is....well, sometimes you have to look for it a little harder.

A big car repair bill waits at the end of the day, but hey, it's my workhorse so what can you do?

On days like this it reminds me of a quote I like...

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."- Theodore Roosevelt

Makes perfect sense!

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