Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Too Much!!

Today, up earlier than yesterday, I stood and watched the sunrise at StourBridge Common, and managed to get the sky that I witnessed the preceding morning.

Soft silence....then a whisper of bird song, then.....more song and the sky started to lighten, then.....a burst of noise as lots of birds started to sing in chorus and the first hint of colour appeared in the sky.

It grew, slowly at first and then with rising eagerness it sprang from the horizon, colour like you could not believe, with no-one present I still uttered "Oh my god!" my heart filled and the birds sang as if they knew my joy. After some time I remembered to breath again.... how much is a moment like that worth....certainly getting up an hour or two before I need to!!

The rest of the day my eyes stung with the wonder of it, and they ask me why I'm so awake in the mornings!!!!!

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