Briefly Blue (Day 1269)

It has turned much colder today, with the wind coming out of the north, meaning the morning wander was a much chillier affair.
I managed to track down the elusive customer from yesterday and made my way through to Stromness to see what I could do for them as  my beautiful wife headed off to deal with the hosses. A brief assessment in Stromness indicated that parts would need to be sourced and I returned home to begin the search.
After lunch HV and I took the woofers off to Lyde for a walk. The weather on the way was vile, but the very heavy rain shower meant that there were some fine rainbows to look at. As we parked up, the rain stopped and the sky cleared. The blue sky was worthy of a quick snap with the mobile.
After sorting out a few things at home and as HV made her way to work, I went to see a job in Kirkwall before returning home to spend a couple of hours trying to fix my camera. It seems that the card reader has died and I will likely need to see if I can order one from somewhere. Sadly it isn't as simple a fix as I had hoped. 

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