Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Winter on it's way

It was much colder today. Rain, sunshine, rain, sunshine and repeat throughout the day. I took Murdoch for a walk in the rain. Then at lunch time it was beautifully bright and sunny so I thought I would go out to Black Pond to get some photos - I packed my camera bag, got the tripod out and was about to set off....and it was raining again. So instead we have some wet leaves for my blip today.

More phone calls to the V&A today and finally, late this afternoon I got the invoice I had been requesting since Monday. It was wrong so I had to phone back and get them to re-email me the correct one. Finally I was able to pay it and get the tickets issued for our group visit. It's an incredible place to visit and has some very innovative exhibitions but don't try and make a group booking....

Tomorrow the temperatures are due to drop significantly. The Met Office is forecasting 7C for our area - 7C? Due to our lovely long and extended warm summer and autumn I cannot even remember what that feels like, but I guess I will certainly know tomorrow! 

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