Deck the Homes...

Well it's time to move on to the next holiday. Hard to believe it's almost December. I packed up all the fall stuff and we arranged some furniture to accommodate our tree.
I have an artificial tree for all the obvious reasons. We used to go a tree farm when the kids were young and chop a down a live tree but now that we are older and more forgetful (haha) we prefer the safety of an artificial (although very real looking) tree.
My Blip today is a nearly naked tree. Since it's not yet decorated I decided to take a photo of its reflection in the mirror. It's a kind of sneak peek into the not yet 'dressed' tree.
I have collected a lot of special ornaments over the years and so getting this tree decorated is quite a task!
Putting up special decorations at the holidays has a pretty long history. I think it goes back to the 15th century. So although it's an awful lot of work each year, it helps to make things cheerful, bright and festive at a time of year when it's gray, cold and darkness comes early.

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