Red Squirrel


In The Beginning .....

Bigger Beginning.

I need a new set of lights for my Christmas tree, so when shopping yesterday I called into my local branch of a well known store. As well as the exact set of lights I wanted, I also spotted some fibre-optic lights. My parents had given us a set in the 70s but they went 'phut' some years ago and I hadn't seen any since, so was well pleased to find these ones.

If yesterday was busy today's been manic - 1 and 1/2 hours rodding the pipe between the septic tank I share with next door and the service chamber (the second time it's become blocked in a matter of months, and K next door is in his 70s, has health problems and is rather 'rotund' so it's really beyond him), 2 and 1/2 hours dunging the paddock (no Sakia this week to help) and then sorting some fence posts which had become victim to the gales today (a necessity to stop them keeling over totally and the horses getting into the fishing grounds next door!). Too busy for blipping until tonight.

After dinner yesterday I'd decided to test out the 2 sets of lights - looking at the fibre-optics I thought 'hmmmm, possibilities here', so decided to see what blippable 'arty-farty' shots I could come up with by combining them with a CD. The end results made me think of the Big Bang, the creation of our universe - I rather liked them, so tonight recreated it as my blip.

Of the trial shots I did yesterday I liked this one which reminded me of surreal multi-coloured birds in flight ...

In the beginning was The Word - and The Word was OM (a music link, hehe)

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