Red Squirrel


Fairies' Staircase?

Firstly - a name change. No longer Things in My Life ... hope it doesn't cause too much confusion!

I followed the advice of my colleague today, and took a walk during my lunchbreak to check out the large felled tree stumps in the grassy, tree strewn area at the front of County Hall. There were no really big bracket fungi to be found, but I located 3 or 4 different varieties of brackets, and a selection of others in the grass. I may find myself visiting that area again quite a few times over the coming weeks!
After checking through the shots I'd taken of various ones, I settled on this rather lovely cluster of brackets, which I've IDd as Meripilus giganteous - the latter part of the name cerainly describing the area of bark they covered!
They really do remind me of a staircase - maybe, in the middle of the night ..... lol

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