The key

Today I had a recruitment interview.

My old post, which combines management and technical elements has been deleted. From the structure as we move to matrix management.

The management roles are being recruited into this week by a panel of ten people which I find quite daunting.

I got through the interview but do not expect that I scored highly. The outcomes will be communicated next week. I have one further interview to endure, again for a management position. The technical roles will be advertised in the new year.

I often don’t lock my desk at work but it was Christmas lunch payment time and the money needed to be locked away when I left. My day and my painful knee have led to this being one of the few pictures I took.

I am grateful for friends and family who drive and fetch for me and who listen to me when I need an ear.

I am grateful for the courage to get through tough interviews.

I am grateful for self development opportunities.

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