
By Madchickenwoman

Beautiful Start

I had to stop on the way to the allotment this morning to take this. Just makes the soul sing when you see such beauty. Sadly the day went downhill after this. My whole system felt discombobulated and anxiety was high. I had to ask The Exile to take Oscar for a walk in the afternoon and cancelled going to puppy training. Whilst they were out I meditated. Come the evening Oscar was whimpering, I did everything I could possibly think of, food, walk, games, nothing worked and I finally decided to just ignore him - till I heard a funny noise and found he had thrown up! Now did he throw up because of the   effort it took to whine or was he whining because he felt sick?! Rather like me - was I feeling funny so this made me anxious, or was I feeling anxious so I felt funny?! Not knowing the answer I went to bed and both Oscar and I fell asleep immediately - maybe that's just what we both needed! 

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