Onions etc

It has been a typical Wednesday.

The ups and downs of the office all day, followed by the ups and downs of 90 minutes in the Gaelic class. Just like last Wednesday, lots of laughs at both. 

The Gaelic word for onions (na h-uinneanach) is almost identical to the word for windows (na h-uinneagan). Some of us peeled our windows whilst others opened our onions. 

Our tutor started using the "lenition" word seriously for the first time, so now we learn when/how pronunciation of the first consonant in a word changes (softens, usually) when used in a certain way. Onions and windows are not affected because they begin with vowels.

At work, a guy walked in and announced he's been sleeping in the park for a month. Could we help? We did. Well, the Goth did. She's excellent with folk in that kind of situation. 

I'm looking forward to the weekend. 

In a major break with routine I had lunch in the theatre cafe today. The Blip is just what was in front of me when I came out. 

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